About Us
GCP is the alternative to the big and pricey HR/Benefits consultancies that clients have been demanding for years.
We deliver senior and highly experienced consultants charging a reasonable rate for the support and services you need. The day of the $800 Principal billing rate, undisclosed billing rate increases and hidden miscellaneous "technology" charges are gone.
At GCP you get veteran consultants, firm per project fee estimates and no surprises on the billing. Our consultants have deep project expertise in virtually all industry segments including healthcare, utility, manufacturing, oil and gas and chain retail.
Our growing network of consultants specializes in a variety of HR services areas including:
Benefits Design - health care plan design, funding and vendor selection support with particular emphasis on health and wellness programs.
Outsourcing - provider selection and implementation management.
HR Effectiveness - analysis of the current HR organization, workstreams, processes and staffing to ensure the right tasks are being completed, and by the right people.
Communication - as specialists in both internal and external communication, education and messaging we can help with a wide range of projects requiring communication strategy and tactical implementation, including compensation, benefits, HR policy and procedures, acquisitions, mergers, divestitures and spin-offs. Our team can also support broader marketing and PR related communication support.
Change Management - although often confused with communication materials and tactics, true change management goes beyond messaging to explore risks and barriers to change and incorporates contingencies during the change process.
Technology - guidance and direction on how best to leverage web technology, social media and other "smart" technology in the management of HR.
In addition to a strong network of consultants that can be assigned to support your needs, GCP is also aligned with an increasing number of service firms that clients need for back-end processing, administration and technology deployment.
We provide essential integration support for our clients who may desire an outsourcing partner or techology solution but don't know who to consider or the questions to ask.
We have worked with many of the technology firms and know the pitfalls to avoid and the best way to negotiate services and fees.