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Technology Solutions

Economic uncertainty, business consolidations and a growing demand for reduced expenses, force a growing number of companies to cut costs by eliminating. Whether through Reductions in Force, job elimination or divestitures, leaders must contend with the harshest of business realities. And there can be no more difficult decision than determining which employees will be included in the employment action.


Career Transition Center (CTC)

The CTC provides an online portal for employees impacted by a staff reduction. We deliver a personalized homepage for each individual that includes amount of severance and/or monthly payments, weeks and duration of COBRA, and any remaining PTO balance (to name a few).  

We feature an extensive list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and a document rich resource page with downloadable forms, plan summaries, contact information and links to external providers, such as your benefits administrator, COBRA administrator, 401(k) administrator and outplacement provider.

Electronic signature collection occurs directly inside the CTC portal reducing the amount of time normally required to obtain legal releases, and allowing for quicker release of severance funds.


The Career Transition Center features: 

  • Customized log in requirements.

  • System capture of alternate email address for future correspondence.

  • Personalized homepage for each participant, customized with severance and benefit values.

  • Electronic signature capture.

  • Extensive and customized list of FAQs. 

  • Resource page includes summaries, downloadable forms, contact information and provider links. 

  • Administrator module that allows tracking of employee logons with timestamps.

  • Sponsors can run multiple and overlapping reduction events.

  • Integration with electronic forms distribution/signature services and TRIMS®.



Technology clients can save hundreds of thousands of dollars using GCP's technology Resources.


The Talent Reduction Impact Modeling System (TRIMS®) automates the entire identification, review and selection process and delivers to managers and executives a secure, web-based modeling tool. TRIMS® integrates with your current HRIS data allowing managers to model reduction scenarios using various operational factors and individual characteristics to construct the initial list of potential candidates. 

As managers and executives complete their modeling scenarios, all completed models instantly aggregate within the system giving Human Resources immediate line of sight to all reports in an organization wide roll-up. 

With the TRIMS® application, the selection process that took weeks or months to complete can now be done in hours or days. The potential cost savings could result in millions of dollars in reduced labor costs.


The Talent Reduction Impact Modeling System (TRIMS®):


  • Allows managers to electronically calculate cost of potential staffing decisions based on selected criteria (business unit, division, location, job family/title, salary, bonus targets, service and performance ratings, etc.).

  • Stores each saved financial model with name of author and timestamp so it can be recalled at a later date. (No limit on the number of models that can be created.)

  • Aggregates all saved financial models automatically across the organization; accessible in real time by HR and leadership.

  • Enables HR to quickly assess legal implications and adverse impact of chosen separation candidates.

  • Financial models can be saved and exported as needed.

  • Allows organization to manage multiple and overlapping reduction actions at the same time.

  • Fully integrates with GCP Career Transitions Center web site.


Vaccine Reporting System (VRS)

Feeling the effects of local, state and potentially federal vaccine mandates, many employers are struggling to find and implement vaccine reporting systems. The safety of your workplace, alleviating the concerns of employees and avoiding the potentially millions of dollars in fines are all at stake.


GCP now offers the Vaccine Reporting System, a simple to use online tool for employees to use when submitting vaccine documentation and/or weekly testing results. The VRS can be accessed via computer, phone or tablet and ensures your employees, can quickly update their information,


Administrators can monitor progress in real-time; view and verify submitted documentation if desired. Daily reports can be generated by location, division or operating company.


The VRS can be operational in a matter of a couple of weeks. With deadlines looming, and thousands of dollars in fines at stake, the VRS can be your answer.



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