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External Comms/PR

In today’s hyper-connected transparent media world, your audiences want information, quickly and consistently.  GCP can help your organization engage in the external media world, including: publications, traditional websites and social media, such as Facebook, Twitter and Yammer.  

With an integrated communications plan, your strategic messaging can effectively promote your brand and influence the dialogue within all your audiences: employees, customers, prospects, politicians, labor unions and community leaders.  You need to be engaged to promote and protect your reputation.

Media/Public Relations

Facilitate and nurture your proactive relationship with the media, thata will serve you well when reactive responses are required by unforeseen issues and crisis. 


Marketing Communications 

Enhance/build your brand equity with strategic plans that define an appropriate mix and allocation of media vehicles to reach your customers and prospects, including web/online, events/exhibits, print advertising, media relations/editorial, or direct marketing.

Social Media

Establish your corporate presence within social networks and online communities.  Leverage these channels to promote corporate awareness/the corporate brand.   Meet, engage, and interact with your stakeholders in online locations, where they live.


Crisis Communications

An all-inclusive plan for internal and external audiences, developed in times of relative calm will make it easier to weather the storms. With supplemental media training for your executives and site leaders, you can be prepared with a short-term response for just about any crisis.

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